Stockertown Beverage serves wholesale beer customers in the eastern half of PA.
See our Sales Team page for your local Account Representative.
Click below for a copy of our
current Territory Agreement

A bit of Stockertown Beverage history…
Our Founder & Co-Founder, John and Chuck, purchased a distributor license in 2002, opening the doors and selling beer later that year in a 2,000 square foot space. They stocked their retail shelves with the specialty brands available from wholesalers, but grew increasingly frustrated. Their customers routinely requested high-quality brands that were accessible in other states but not available in Pennsylvania.
It was at this time that they expanded their focus becoming an importing distributor with the goal of introducing exciting new brands and breweries to Pennsylvania consumers.
They began as a wholesale distributor in 2004 with zero employees and a very tight budget. They purchased Chuck’s wife’s mini van, removed the child safety seats, slapped the required PLCB identification lettering on the doors and began wholesaling.
You just can’t make that up!