COLUMBUS: Opened in 2016, 100+ tasting room and patio offers rotating house beers and daily food options. 3.5BBL brewhouse was the original platform system now churning out experimental and barrel aged beers by head brewer Will Kmetz.
PRODUCTION: Opened in 2016, a 60BBL brewhouse helps supply thirsty beer drinkers with canned and kegged beer year round. Located in a 120,000 sq. ft. former Leisy Brewing Company building, the facility is a throwback to Cleveland’s brewing past with an updated, modern commercial beer making operation. Erik Rothschiller, head of brewery operations and Garret Conley, head brewer, leads a staff that includes brewers, cellarman, packaging, warehousing and quality control/lab to name a few.
Available In
Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, Pike, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Wayne, Wyoming counties